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Emmo 26inch Fat Tire All-Terrain E-Bike -Cruiser -48V Li-Ion - Black
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Emmo 26inch Fat Tire All-Terrain E-Bike - Cruiser - Removable 48V15Ah Lithium-Ion - 750W - LCD Display - 5 Pedal-Assist Levels - Throttle Power -Black (80% pre-built, shipped in crate, SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED)

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Emmo 26inch Fat Tire All-Terrain E-Bike -Cruiser -48V Li-Ion - Black

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Paul Milliard
December 09, 2022
If you have never ebiked, you really need to try it. It has re ignited my passion for biking. Bikes are very powerful and stable with the bigger tires. Great customer service. Cheers ?????????

Stephen Clark
December 05, 2022
rear rack is good quality and carries a lot

Jan Mahoney
November 07, 2022
Amazing bike and has wonderful customer service. Just an amazing machine

Robert Deer
December 12, 2022
Batteries are very long lasting and the bikes handles like a road bike. It's a great machine. It gives you degrees of freedom to explore your surroundings that you can't get on foot or by car. Hands down best e-bikes around, customer service is A

Steph Lane
February 03, 2023
So Glad I Made This Decision
I’m in my mid 40s and my body has taken some lumps. 4 births, a fractured hip, hit by a truck resulting in permanent damage and more. I thought my cycling days were over years ago. The EMMO EWILD changed all of that. The pedal assist is great. You can pedal while much of the strain on knees and hips is nonexistent. It’s got a powerful motor, I tested it riding uphill with some groceries and it climbed at 25km/h pretty effortlessly. It rolls over slush and snow easily without any wobble. The tires grip icy spots like nothing I’ve experienced before. It IS a heavy bike. About 100lbs. I like the weight but some may not. It’s definitely the best bike I have ever owned. I look forward to many years riding my EMMO.


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